Adventures Directory UK {Adventures Logo}Adventures Directory UK {Adventures Logo}2 percent for the planet

Adventure Directory - Adventures in the North East

The Angel of the North is a contemporary sculpture designed by Antony Gormley, which is located in Gateshead, England.

abseilingarcheryhot air ballooningbushcraftcanoeingcycling
gorge walkinghigh wireshorse ridingindoor climbingkayaking
kite sportsmountain bikingnavigation coursesorienteeringrock climbing
rock scramblessailingteam challengehill walkingwinter mountaineering

We are committed to supporting environmental causes and pledge 2 percent of profits will be annually donated to environmental causes in the UK. - [::COMING SOON:: View our Environmental Pledge Page].

bushcraft canoeing caving cycling gorge walking high wire horse riding indoor climbing kayaking kite sports mobile climbing walls mountain biking navigation courses orienteering overnight expeditions hill walking raft building rock climbing rock scrambles   team challenge winter mountaineering          

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